
Derma-Tech is your premiere destination for the highest quality
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How Long Does Bellafill® Last?

As we age, our collagen production naturally declines. Dermal fillers are often a common choice to fill the lost volume in the cheeks and facial areas. Most dermal fillers, however, only last up to a year and usually fade faster than that. At [...]

September 15th, 2022|

How Much is Juvederm® Dermal Filler?

As we age, our natural stores of moisture, collagen and other important structural proteins decline. Our bodies break down slowly, resulting in wrinkles, loss in facial volume, and a more hollowed look. Juvederm® dermal fillers at Derma-Tech help you take back your youth [...]

August 15th, 2022|

What to Expect After Kybella®

Submental fat (fat under the chin) is a common insecurity that many people have. Fat cells can accumulate under the chin, causing a bulge that is often hidden by a well-placed hand during pictures.  While liposuction is a common consideration to get rid [...]

June 15th, 2022|

What is Viveve® Vaginal Rejuvenation?

As women age, have children, or have other gynecologic issues their skin and vaginal tissue go through a series of changes. The loss of collagen and elastin, structural proteins vital to vaginal tightness, results in laxity even in women who haven't had children. [...]

May 18th, 2022|

How Much Does Sclerotherapy Cost?

Many people think that spider veins are a permanent part of their bodies. Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment that can help reduce the appearance of spider veins and varicose veins. However, you may be wondering how much does sclerotherapy cost?  What is [...]

May 10th, 2022|

What is BioTE Hormone Replacement Therapy and How Does it Work?

A hormone imbalance can be challenging to deal with, especially when constantly feeling fatigued or having a reduced sex drive. DermaTech can help you feel your best with BioTe hormone replacement therapy, an innovative treatment that can improve your symptoms. Patients often wonder [...]

April 13th, 2022|

Derma-Tech Blog | Latest Trends & Insights in Cosmetic Care

Professional Advice on Skin Health and Beauty Innovations


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