How Long Does Juvederm® Last?
Dermal fillers have become a popular way to rejuvenate or enhance your appearance. The Juvederm® family of fillers provides a safe, customizable way to restore lost facial volume or add volume to places like the lips. [...]
How Long Does Silhouette InstaLift® Last?
If you want to see lifted and smoother facial features without surgery, Silhouette InstaLift® provides an FDA-cleared method of lifting your features. Unlike other treatments that tighten and firm facial skin, Silhouette InstaLift® will directly lift your skin while still building essential collagen. [...]
How is Botox® Administered?
Our facial expressions help us communicate and share our feelings, but they also leave lines and wrinkles on the face. These lines and wrinkles around the eyes, between the eyebrows, and on the forehead can make a person look older or even give [...]
What Does a Chemical Peel Do?
Chemical peels range from the very mild to the intense, but they all work the same way: they exfoliate away the outer few layers of the skin to allow brighter, healthy new skin to surface. At Derma-Tech we offer a variety of chemical [...]
How Much Do Dermal Fillers Cost?
Are you tired of seeing sagging skin when you look in the mirror? Are your cheeks hollow, giving you a gaunt look? If you want to eliminate these signs of aging, you should consider a dermal filler; also sometimes called face fillers. Here [...]
What is Microdermabrasion?
Over time, your skin can go through a lot and this will leave it with various imperfections. Pimples, redness, fine lines, sun spots, and a whole host of other cosmetic issues can present themselves. With skin rejuvenation techniques, you're able to revitalize your [...]
How Much Does Kybella® Cost?
Injectable treatments are highly sought after due to their ease of access, lack of surgery, and proven results. While most people think about Botox when injectables are mentioned, there are many other options available. At Derma-Tech, we provide Kybella® injections, which are incredibly [...]
Is Botox® Safe?
Botox® is arguably the most well-known injectable treatment in the world. Primarily, this injectable is used to tackle some of the obvious signs of aging in the face. When wrinkles and fine lines start to appear, an injection of Botox® will be able [...]
How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
There's a lot of talk about laser hair removal nowadays. Many women - and men - are keen to look for long-lasting hair removal treatments that don't require a lot of effort. The typical options of waxing or shaving can take a long [...]